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5G Router Outdoor/Indoor

5G is hot, but LTE is busy

5G antenna and device tend to be more tidy, handy & slimmer than their LTE predecessors. They are able to handle more complicated arithmetic process while generating more heat in the limited spaces. This results in more new cooling problems & techniques for wireless device & system desingers.
GTT understands your trouble and we are able to offer a complete solution for MAT (Mechanical, Antenna and Thermal) services.

Mechanical design & Internal jumper (MHF4) - GTT USA

Mechanical design & Internal jumper (MHF4):
the latest design trend for 5G device, M.2 module card is compatible with the internal coaxial jumpers I-PEX MHF4 series. With OD 1.13 & 1.37 low loss cable, and up to 10 different colours of cable, Grand-Tek aims to make your device manufacturing hassel free.

5G Antenna - GTT USA

5G Antenna:
tidy, handy & slimmer. Industrial product could be aesthetic. No matter indoor or outdoor, Grand-Tek offers a wide variety of cellular, 3G, LTE and 5G FR1 (sub 6GHz) featuring easy selection for the best performance.

Thermal Simulations & Analysis - GTT USA

Thermal Simulations & Analysis:
Grand-Tek has established reliability testing lab stationing in our Taipei HQ, thermal simulation and testing equipment is one of our core competences. From thermal simulation to vertification, and solution for DFM are available within hours.

According to GSA latest market report (2020,GSA), 73 operators in 41 countries have launched one or more 3GPP compliant 5G services. While 380 operators are still investing in 5G networks in the form of tests, trials, pilots, planned and actual deployments around the world. The demand is surging & you are not alone! Click to share your experiences with us.
